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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 6 Junior Citizenship

Year 6 Junior Citizenship Trip


This week, Year 6 visited Fulham Football Club to take part in the Transport for London Junior Citizenship event.  We took part in different activities such as fire safety, street safety and using public transport safely.  Some important things we learnt were:


  • Making sure you use an oyster card to travel and pay your fare if you use the tube or train.
  • Always being aware of your surroundings.
  • Being polite to bus drivers and other passengers.
  • Don't keep expensive items like phones on display when you are walking on the street.
  • If you need to make a call, choose a safe place where there are adults.
  • Check your fire alarms weekly.
  • The emergency number is 999 but if it is a non-emergency it's 101.
  • If you are a victim of theft, don't chase the person but look out for what shoes they are wearing as this will help the police to identify the criminal.


This was a really helpful day and will help us as we transition to secondary school and start to travel without our parents as much.


We finished off the morning with our lunch in beautiful Bishops Park!
