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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 1

Year 3F's Class Assembly!

Year 3F brought their audience back in time to the land of Ancient Greece. We took our parents through our learning about the Greek Empire, as well as inspirational people we remember during Black History Month.

CAFOD Workshop

Hilda from CAFOD came into our school to talk about what CAFOD do across the world and how their work helps others who are in need. The children were then asked to read situations and decide as a team which Catholic social quality matched the scenario. Children worked beautifully as a team and were very invested!

Art - Self Portraits

The children this week experimented with colour in order to decide what colours we would be using in our pop art portraits next week!

Humanities - Ancient Greece Experience Day!

We travelled back in time to Ancient Greece - where tyrant rulers created democracy and hoplite soldiers expanded an empire.

We had a magnificent day where we performed a poem about Alexander the Great, learned about different events in the creation of the Greek empire, had a go at Olympic events. This made us so hungry that we had to have a giant Greek feast!

Computing - Coding

As part of our computing curriculum, we are learning how to create code! We will be using Purple Mash to code a website to make sound and move characters. Today we began with the coding vocabulary quiz! Some tricky words here.

PSHRE - The Parable of the Lost Son

As part of PSHRE, we looked at our relationships with God. We spoke about the parable of the Lost Son

(Luke 15:11-32)


We know that parables have deeper meanings within them and we use these storyboards to retell the parable of the Lost Son from memory!

English - Advertisements

Catch us on BBC! We created advertisements for Abdul Kazam's magic show using our persuasive language - the children were fabulous actors and actresses! :)

English - Acting Out

We acted out scenes in a 'Freeze Frame' from our book Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister. We had so much fun portraying the emotions and the poses of these characters!

English - Sentence Building

We created sentences by building them - we worked together to create sentences and made sure they were full sentences by making sure they had a capital letter and a full stop! We worked on adding some interesting vocabulary like adjectives and adverbs too.

PE – Dance

Dynamic movements! We have been learning various dance moves and how to move our bodies with Ross, our dance teacher. We've been having such fun!

Humanities - Spatial Sense

In Humanities, we learned about two regions: The United Kingdom and The Amazon Rainforest. We looked at the human and physical features in each region and sorted them into groups.

Creating Maps of our School!

Funnily enough, Miss Feehan keeps getting lost around our school! The children created maps to help her find her way - Geography isn't her strong suit :)

Maths - Place Value

Place Value is all about learning the value of numbers and what each digit means. We built numbers using Base 10 and partitioned them into hundreds, tens and ones. We know the value of each digit in up to 3-digit numbers!

