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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Curriculum Intent

In the Singh Suite it is our  intent is to move all pupils toward a formal subject based curriculum during their time at our school. Due to the nature of their Autism and associated learning difficulties, many of our pupils will need time and support before they are ready for a fully formal education, and we recognise that for a significant period pupils may require an adapted informal or semi-formal approach, with adaptations required in the planning and delivery of their education. During the course of their time in the Enhanced provision, pupils may progress through these stages relatively quickly or may require an extended period as their own skills are embedded and can be generalised.



  • Support children to ‘fall in love with the social world’, to see people as intrinsically important and meaningful sources of support and reciprocal communication
  • Support children to learn the names of their key adults and to use these names to seek support and enjoyment in communication
  • Meet the individual learning needs of each pupil as identified initially by the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and then the Individual Education Plan.
  • Provide learning activities that are motivating and meaningful to the child, which may be adapted to reflect areas of pupil interest and focus
  • Enable pupils to engage with learning so they understand this learning has a meaning to them and they are self-motivated to learn throughout their lives
  • Provide broad and balanced learning experiences that meet statutory requirements
  • Provide a child-centred curriculum which enables all children to enjoy learning experiences and achieve success, and celebrate the success of others
  • Enable each child to communicate as effectively as possible, and to develop their ability to communicate their thoughts, desires, needs and feelings both in school and the wider community
  • To use words to communicate with people for support, enjoyment and learning
  • Maximise the achievements of all pupils in order to help each one ‘learn to learn’ and think more effectively
  • Ensure that every child feels cared for within a safe and secure environment with a warm and positive ethos
  • Enable children to develop physical skills, independence and self-esteem and experience success within their learning environment
  • Provide opportunities for self-expression, self-awareness and creativity, which also encourages a joy in learning and in the social world, in order to develop their confidence and self esteem
  • Encourage high expectations of behaviour with an emphasis on helping each child to recognise and develop appropriate behaviour and conduct in a range of social situation
  • Provide all pupils with the necessary knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life, and to work toward the accumulation of sufficient knowledge and skills to for future learning and employment

