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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


We believe that every pupil at St John XXIII Catholic Primary School can achieve high standards in a happy, calm, welcoming and safe environment.

Good communication between staff, children, parents and Governors enables effective conditions for learning and high expectations for every pupil in the school that values pupils’ spiritual, mental and physical health and nurtures self –esteem.

In partnership with our parish we teach our pupils to respect and help each other, embracing differences and to follow the principles of Catholic social teaching so that they recognise that people are more important than things and that we must support the poor and the vulnerable in our society.

We will have clear and consistent expectations of behaviour based on strong moral values centred on our faith and a zero tolerance to bullying.


We celebrate our achievements and are proud of our successes. We live out our daily life using the guide of our patron saint, St John XXIII. He continues to be a guide and inspiration for us and his words reflect the great hopes that we have for all the children who pass through the doors of our exceptional school.


‘Consult not your fears, but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you have tried and failed in, but in what it is still possible to do.’

