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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Parish Garden

At school, the link with our parish churches is hugely important to us. Fr Richard, Parish Priest at Our Lady of Fatima Church – just next door to school has recently begun a hugely exciting project that we would like all families and children to have an input with.


At the front of our school, from the main entrance round past the music room down to the kitchens, is a small but prominent garden space. Up until now this has had various plants and flowers in that overtime have begun to look a little unloved. Father Richard has secured a small pot of funding to help with the transformation of that space to make it a beautiful, enjoyable space for the whole community both now and for years to come. 


As a community garden space, we would love the children’s input as to what they think would make a fantastic garden, so this Easter holiday we would like to give families the opportunity to do just this.


We are asking families to come up with their ideas of what would make the garden a great place to be (for the community and local bees!) 


The link below has a plan of the garden you can use to help design your own amazing space.
