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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Caritas Assembly

Year 5 Caritas Worship

This year, Year 5 have been working hard towards the Caritas Ambassadors Award in school. They have worked closely with the charity to think about the 6 areas of Catholic Social Teaching (Dignity, Care of Creation, Option for the Poor, Dignity of Workers, Solidarity and Peace, and Community and Participation) and how they can promote them in our community. 

In the assembly, the children presented to all children on projects that the school have run before and how this year, our focus was Care for Creation. The children have started a pen recycling project and are aiming to improvise the way we recycle in school.

We were delighted to be joined by Sr. Silvana who has guided us towards our Ambassador Status over the last 3 years. Thank you Sr. And thank you Y5!
