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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


PSHRE Implementation



At St John XXIII, we have a clear and comprehensive programme of study for PSHE – Life to the Full. This is a high-quality, inspiring curriculum with excellent enrichment experiences to enable pupils to develop essential life skills.  It is designed to be taught in thematic units with a spiral approach, ensuring themes can be revisited and pupils can recall and build upon previous learning, exploring the underlying principles of PSHE education regularly at a depth that is appropriate for the age and stage of their education. 


All lessons include supporting materials, including building a rich bank of vocabulary, a curiosity for learning, and fostering imagination and learning. Life to the Full takes into account pupils’ multiple intelligence and learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic (VAK) and this is reflected in the units of work and every lesson.


We aim to deliver our PSHE curriculum in a creative way by using strategies such as role play, music, singing, discussion, debate, games, etc. 


Life to the Full is rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church, reiterates the meaning of living well in relationship with others and presents pupils with a positive framework for a life in Christian faith.  The curriculum follows the Diocese of Westminster requirements. PSHE is an important part of our school assemblies where pupil’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured.


Our assemblies include themes such as antibullying, online safety, reinforcement of our school values, visits from outside agencies NSPCC, CAFOD, local police, etc. The curriculum also provides supportive resources to extend pupils’ learning at home.


Assessment for learning opportunities are built into each unit, which enables self-evaluation, reflective learning, allowing teachers to evaluate and assess progress. It also offers a tool for summative assessment, creating opportunities to record and track achievement.
