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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future


Design and Technology Impact

 Our DT Curriculum shows a progression of skills and aims to build upon prior learning. Our Curriculum is well thought out and is planned to introduce and develop skills that can be applied to everyday life. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

In Class Feedback

We understand that feedback is linked to progress and has to be timely to make an impact. In class feedback is used to support teacher’s workload, ensure it is as immediate and timely and specific as possible, and leaves the teacher time to focus on individual identified needs. (see our Feedback policy 2019) We use verbal feedback whereby the pupil receives immediate feedback and are able to respond to it during the lesson. Sharing work and ideas within class is championed and pupils are encouraged to be able to constructively criticise and act on peer feedback. At the end of each lesson an assessment is carried out on the overview by the teacher, teaching assistant or it is self-assessed to determine whether the objective of the lesson has been met.

  Corrective Teaching/ Summative Assessment:

Most of our work is evidenced through the use of individual sketchbooks. All teachers provide next steps based on pupils’ work in these sketchbooks and this feedback may be delivered verbally (VF) or written into the overview of lessons at the beginning of each unit. Wherever possible, it is encouraged that teachers provide immediate feedback to pupils and misconceptions are addressed during the lesson. When a pupil has not met the learning objective there is timely support so they are able to continue on the learning journey with their peers. Teachers adapt their planning for the next lesson to ensure there is time to address these misconceptions. It may be addressed in the next lesson, by a Teaching Assistant, in small groups in the lesson. The misconceptions may be addressed through verbal feedback or with the use of mini plenaries.


Subject leaders carry out termly book looks to ensure high quality, practical lessons are being delivered. Pupil discussions through pupil voice is carried out every half term where they talk about their learning; which includes discussion of their thoughts, ideas, processing and evaluations of work. Lesson observations are carried out to ensure a high standard of teaching and learning.

Assessment and Recording in DT

DT evidence is recorded in Sketch books and on display around the school. We encourage staff to take photographic evidence e.g. in workshops or trips. Teachers assess children’s knowledge, understanding and skills in Art and DT subjects by making observations within class and by analysis of their written evidence. As part of our assessment for learning process (and in line with our school’s assessment policy), children will receive high quality verbal feedback in class. Children are also encouraged to be critical of their own work, highlighting their own next steps. Assessment is carried out through pupil voice, book looks, and lesson participation. The DT Leader will then analyse this data in order to inform and improve future

Pre Teaching/Pre Assessment

All teachers must be aware of the pupil’s prior attainment. Through sketchbooks ‘following’ the pupil throughout the years, we aim to pre-empt the difficulties for some pupils. We analyse previous learning and plan according to individual needs and cohorts.


We also aim to ensure that our pupils are proud of their work and have opportunity to see it on display, shared with others in the school and with their families. We hope that as pupils move on from us to further their education and learning that their curiosity, creativity and passion for Design Technology will continue to grow.

