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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Summer 1 2021

We have been very busy with our learning in Year 1 this Summer Term!

Please have a look through our slideshow to see some of our trips, experience days and us having fun with our learning!


You will see our:


Phoenix Farm Trip

To support our Science learning about ‘Plants’ we visited the White City Phoenix Farm to carry out an investigation into the most popular wild plants that grow. It was a very rainy day, but that didn’t stop us from exploring the farm and asking our school gardener Miss Jack about all the different types of plants, fruits and vegetables that they grow. We look forward to revisiting the farm again in Summer Term 2 to help us with our next Science topic ‘Seasonal Changes: Spring and Summer’ and seeing how the farm looks in these seasons.


7 continents Experience Day

We celebrated all we had learnt about the 7 continents by dressing up in traditional costume from a country around the world and taking part in fun activities from each continent. This included learning Gaelic football with Miss McPhilips, Spanish dancing with Mr Pastor and how to make a Filipino desert called ‘turon’ with Miss Cotton.



We have enjoyed learning about how to create our own landscapes in the style of Renoir. We explored different textures and colour mixing to create our own landscapes of a beach.

