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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Mental Health and Well-Being week

This week we have enjoyed our mental health and well-being week. Our theme was Let’s Connect and we looked at all the different ways we can connect with each other, ourselves and the world around us.


Each day we focused on one of the 5 Ways to Well-Being: the 5 things we should try to do everyday to help us maintain a positive state of well-being.


On Monday we thought about Taking Notice and the Well-Being Ambassadors visited all our classrooms and led us in a breathing exercise to help us take notice of our own feelings.


On Tuesday it was Connecting. It was also Safer Internet Day and so we thought about how connecting with our friends online can make us feel good but that it’s important we are safe while online. We thought about the different things that worry us about being online and what we can do about them.


On Wednesday we all brought in a hand-made Secret Someone gift for one of our classmates. Our focus that day was on Giving and how we can have a positive impact on our own mental health by thinking of and doing kind things for others.


Our focus on Thursday was the importance of Keeping Active. The Commonwealth Athlete Victoria Ohuruogu visited us. She led us in a circuit training activity and then spoke to us all about the importance of Patience and Perseverance when trying to achieve our potential.


Finally, on Friday the focus was on Keep Learning. Our partners at the mental health charity Mind led workshops across the school visiting lots of classrooms to talk about mental health and all the different things we can do to stay mentally healthy. Mind also led a coffee morning and workshop for parents.   
