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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Curriculum Implementation

Informal Stage

Some pupils at this stage may require a very high level of individualised play based learning where they begin to learn to:


  • Recognise other people as being intrinsically important and as a source of help, support and communication
  • be in close proximity to other children in a learning context
  • face in the same direction as a group of children in joint attention of a shared activity
  • ‘learn to learn’ and begin to understand simple motivators or ‘choose’ systems based on a basic ‘now and next’ approach
  • Begin to be able to follow adult led direction and make transitions between activities.


When planning for pupils whose learning is through the informal stage, the teachers plan lessons where a higher proportion of the lesson is focused on an essential skills curriculum. for developing the pupils communication, understanding and managing their feelings, problem-solving and coping and tolerance skills. By making it our priority to teach our pupils these core skills, we are enabling them to make a successful transition through school life into adulthood.


The semi-formal stage

This stage of our curriculum delivery is for those children accessing the Key Stage 1 curriculum, in whole or part. In semi-formal education, pupils would take part in lessons which have a specific discipline as the description of the lesson, such as science. However, within the plan for the science lesson the teacher would be planning to deliver a strand of learning based on a child’s EHC plan. This would mean that alongside a lesson in which a child was learning about solids, liquids and gases, they would also be ‘learning to learn’ and being taught practical skills such as the ability to take turns in a group activity, to face in the same direction as a group in a shared attention activity, or to understand how a ‘Choose’ based behaviour token system works to earn time on a preferred activity. A child may still use a TEACCH style approach and may have a workstation in class. These two strands are reflected in the medium term plans and lesson planning prepared by class teachers, and in the information shared with parents in Learning Plans.

Planning and Delivery

The Singh Suite use the SCERT’s approach (social communication, emotional regulation and transactional support) (Prizant et al, 2003) which is a research-based educational framework that is used when working with children and young people on the autism spectrum. It addresses the core difficulties faced by individuals on the spectrum and their families and places an important on multi-disciplinary working with speech and language specialists, occupational therapists, educational psychologists, clinical psychology and specialist nurse.

 The initial SCERTS assessment  gathers detailed information on a learners social communication skills, their ability to regulate their emotions and the transactional support provided by the individuals that support them


Our curriculum is a flexible working document which will adapt and change in line with future evidence based research and government guidelines.


  • Intensive Interaction
  • Attention Autism
  • Zones of Regulation
  • PECS
  • Visual timetables
  • Consistent approach to teaching & behaviour
  • Teaching styles and resources meet pupil’s need
  • A personalised curriculum—a range of approaches and teaching styles
  • A focus on communication, sensory regulation and active exploration of the learning environments.
  • Multi sensory & over learning
  • Promote a love for learning
  • Build on learning beyond school
  • Inclusion for all
  • Drama sessions led by subject specialist
  • Music sessions led by subject specialist
  • P.E sessions led by subject specialist
  • Enrichment days/weeks
  • Multi-agency support—OT, SALT, CAMHS, clinical psychology
  • Sensory regulation, sensory diet, gross and fine motor skills

Medium Term Plans are written based on the Early Years framework with a themed approach and form part of the Long Term Curriculum plan which provides an overview of planned learning and is currently based on a two year rolling programme of termly themes. The plans are shared with the mainstream teachers and where appropriate learning from the mainstream classes is incorporated. Individual learning targets relating to each pupil’s EHCP and termly individual education plans are written, with planned activities and resources to meet these targets. These plans are evaluated throughout the term as each lesson is taught.

The Singh Suite team use Evidence Me, comments, improvements and evaluations of TEACCH activities, as the children progress through the term. Use of technology enables teachers to work more efficiently and share planning and outcomes.

Weekly lesson plans for English and maths are written and include learning targets, activity plan details and organisational requirements. Lesson plans are evaluated at the end of each session.


Lesson structure

Lessons are structured to include whole class teaching, adult led group and individual teaching and independent activities. We use a model of working for ‘choose time’ or ‘social games’, whereby pupils complete directed tasks on their individual schedules to earn a short ‘choose time’. The focus of choose time may be to develop social interaction in sharing activities with other pupils or an individual pupil led activity which the pupil finds highly motivating. As our pupils progress the model of 'working for' is adapted and social games are introduced as pupils are less reliant on ‘working for’. This enables us to develop the pupils social skills and social interactions. At St John XXIII ‘Choose time’ and ‘Snack Time ‘ are viewed as a valuable learning opportunity enabling pupils to develop essential skills linked to achieving outcomes within their EHC plans.

Learning takes place throughout the day and we view breakfast time, snack time, outside play times and lunch times as opportunities to develop essential skills relevant to each pupil.

We provide many opportunities to enhance our curriculum with learning taking place outside the classroom, in different environments and within the community.


Timetabling of distinct subject disciplines within the formal curriculum

The teachers are responsible for setting their own timetables in liaison with the Inclusion Manager.  English and mathematics are timetabled regularly throughout the week, the length of lesson will vary according to the class group.

Foundation subjects are taught in a variety of ways depending on the class. P.E, Music and Drama are all taught by subject specialists. Teachers can plan for cross curricular lessons, topic mornings or afternoons or themed day. Teachers can choose to focus on some subjects for a half term. For example geography for the first half term and history for the second.

Included in the timetables are opportunities for quiet times. For example our pupils start their day with table activities, this can include fine motor activities, reading or sensory play. Following this the pupils take part in physical activities in the classroom, the sensory room or outside,  in order for them to be ready to learn. This is particularly important for our pupils who have had a long journey to school.
