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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 1

Viking Experience Day!

Year 4 have loved learning about the Vikings this half term! Our Viking Experience Day marked the end of this exciting unit. We arrived in school in our finest Viking costumes and participated enthusiastically across a wide range of activities such as Viking Code-Breaking, Viking Newspaper Report Writing, Music and Viking Drama (How to Train your Pet Dragon). 

4O Class Assembly

21.09.23 - Today, Year 4 kickstarted the class assemblies for the year and shared some of their wonderful learning about their class saint, Mother Teresa. They also shared their goals and ambitions for the academic year ahead.

Overall, Year 4 have worked extremely hard to learn their lines off by heart as well as to learn the song 'Lean on Me' in just over a week. We are extremely proud of the children - well done Year 4! 


PE - Swimming!

On Thursday, the Year 4 swimming lessons commenced and what a glorious day it was!

Year 4 will be taking part in these lessons every Thursday morning at the Janet Adegoke Swimming Pool in order to develop their swimming skills. The children are very excited about this opportunity and are looking forward to the upcoming weeks! 
