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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

St John XXIII Nursery School Uniform

Nursery Uniform


The Nursery uniform is worn from September to July.


Items with the School Logo must be purchased from the School Shop, all other items can be purchased from a shop of your choice. 


Nursery School Uniform

Nursery Footwear


The children in nursery should wear plain black or navy trainers. School shoes can be worn in the summer term. 


Children should wear grey or navy socks. 



Book Bag and PE Bag


Children in Nursery will have a book bag to allow them to carry home their reading books and any pictures they may have drawn during the day. 


The children will have a school PE bag which will have a change of clothes in case of accidents or getting wet when engaged in water play. 

Nursery Book Bag
