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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Autumn 1

Thursday 20th October - Year 4's Viking Experience Day

On Thursday we arrived at school full of excitement for our Viking Experience Day. We were all dressed in our finest Viking costumes ready for a busy, fun day.

We kicked off our Viking experience day by writing secret messages using ancient Viking letters.

Next, we had a very exciting dance workshop with Ross where we performed some 'thriller' style moves.

We spent the afternoon making Viking boats , battle axes and shields and then used our props to create our very own Viking drama. To end the day, we listened to some Nordic music whilst tucking in to our Viking feast! 

RE - The Story of Moses

In RE we have been learning about the story of Moses and God's call to him. We represented the burning bush using tissue paper and paints. 

This Tuesday we went on a trip to Pizza Express where we got to make our own pizzas from scratch. Afterwards we took a stroll to Hyde Park to eat them in the sunshine and had a quick play in the playground.

Practicing our viking song on a viking boat

Still image for this video

Black History Month

October marks Black History Month! We have spent some time exploring some inspirational figures and key moments in history. We have designed posters in class to commemorate the event of Black History Month and look forward to our school performance this Thursday! 

4R Assembly

On Thursday Year 4R held the first class assembly of the new academic year. Our class assembly commemorated the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II, following the sad news of her passing. We explored her extraordinary life, as well as many important moments in history which she was a part of. We also shared many interesting facts about the Queen. Did you know that she was the only person in the UK to drive without a driver's license?


Overall, we have all lived through a significant period of history and we now have a new monarch, King Charles III. This assembly also paused to reflect upon those in our school community who have recently lost a loved one and in particular, the sad passing of Miss Kelly. We will be fundraising in her memory on Wednesday 5th October and our school community will gather to wear green on this day.


To conclude the assembly, Year 4R sung a song called 'Sing' which was written by the Commonwealth Band for Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee.


May Queen Elizabeth II Rest In Peace. 

Mental health and wellbeing

We discussed the ways we could take care of our Mental Health and Wellbeing. We came up with eating healthily, staying hydrated, meditation , getting enough sleep and exercising regularly

This term we have been working hard on our knowledge of place value using a variety of manipulatives.

So far, we have been working with numbers to ten thousand! We have been recapping our knowledge of ways to represent numbers using a range of resources, as well as working in teams to solve a range of number problems!
