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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future



At St John XXIII school we love using technology. Because of this, we are constantly looking for ways to develop and improve the ways in which we use ICT in all subjects. We currently teach Computing using the programme 'Purple Mash.' This involves us learning how to code, make presentations, produce art work and much more across the curriculum. Children have their own log in and password, which they can use at school and home to access many activities. 


Pupils can login through our school website via the 'My USO' tab.

Teachers also use ICT to enhance lessons across the curriculum, as well as completing research in a wide range of subjects.


We recognise that computing is an important tool in both teaching and learning and the society we live in. Our aim is to ensure that our pupils are confident in using the internet and other tools, but also have a very good understanding of Online Safety.


For Computing, we use Purple Mash

As a school, we have chosen the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work from Reception to Year 6. The scheme of work supports our teachers in delivering fun and engaging lessons which help to raise standards and allow all pupils to achieve to their full potential. We are confident that the scheme of work more than adequately meets the national vision for Computing. It provides immense flexibility, strong cross-curricular links and integrates perfectly with the 2Simple Computing Assessment Tool. Furthermore, it gives excellent supporting material for less confident teachers.

End of Key Stage Outcomes
