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St John XXIII Catholic Primary School Inspiring Faith in our Future

Year 5 Bikeability

Tom and Terry joined Year 5 last week to lead the Bikeability sessions. 30 children from across the year group took part and everyone had an brilliant time and learnt lots about riding their bike safely.


The week started in the playground where Tom and Terry did safety checks on everyone’s bikes, made minor repairs and ensured they were ready for the week. The children then spent the rest of Monday and Tuesday on the playground learning the basics of how to safely control, manoeuvre and stop their bike.


By Wednesday, in small groups, the children were on the road. They learnt how to safely ride on the road, what to look out for and how to interact safely and considerately with other road users. The children also learnt about some of the rules of the road, the different signs and road markings and what they meant.


The children got to put their skills to the test riding around the local roads and everyone came away feeling more knowledgeable and confident cycling on the road.


By the end of the week all the children had passed their Level 2 Bikeability and have been awarded with their badges and certificates. Congratulations!
